Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Uncertain *updated*

The answer we expected from today's appointment is still uncertainty. We just do not know yet what might be going on. There was nothing much to see on the ultrasound, as the pregnancy is still probably too young. I am considered 5 weeks 6 days but that is based on a 28 day cycle with ovulation occurring around day 12. Seeing as how my body never cooperates with the "standards" I believe this was a 35 day cycle and ovulation occurred around day 22. Therefore if there is that much of a difference the pregnancy is technically much younger than 5 weeks 6 days and it should be expected to not see much on the ultrasound. Here is the little "could be something" or "could not be something" we saw on the ultrasound.

Zoomed Look

(click to enlarge)

it's the tiny tiny tiny black dot in the middle!

She did say that my uterine lining looks excellent and would make a perfect home for our little BB. She did say that the spotting and light cramping could all be normal but then again could not. Right now we are technically deemed a "threatened miscarriage" because of the spotting/bleeding.

We should know more when we hear the results of my blood work tomorrow. She ordered my HcG levels to be tested and that will tell us a lot. If it is over a certain number then the pregnancy is probably farther along (like 5 weeks 6 days like I am considered) and below a certain number than we are probably a little farther behind, like I expected. She also ordered my progesterone levels to be tested so I'm anxious to see the results of them both. I will go back in on Thursday or Friday to have more blood drawn and more tests ran. By then my HcG levels should have doubled (they double every 48 hours) and that would mean that the pregnancy is progressing normally. If they do not double that could indicate something is wrong. I will also go back for a repeat ultrasound next Tuesday.

Still not having any pregnancy symptoms...but I am feeling a little more optimistic. Even though we just saw a little black dot on that u/s screen it gives me hope! Please, please, please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. We are really praying hard that this little baby will make it through.

Until tomorrow...

*I did some research via Doctor Google and found that at 4 weeks all that should be seen in an ultrasound is a 3mm gestational sac, which ours was 3.1mm! So that gives me much more hope! I know exactly what to look for in next weeks scan. I also calculated my cycle and if in fact I ovulated on day 22 I would be 4 weeks 5 days pregnant and due December 14th*


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