30 & 31 Weeks
Last Thursday I had a 30 week checkup at the OB. They ended up doing a non-stress test because I complained about not feeling the baby move as much. Everything looked alright but they decided to go ahead and schedule an ultrasound just to make sure. The ultrasound is scheduled for Thursday, October 19th at 2pm. I am sure everything is fine, he's actually been moving a lot more. I have also started keeping up with "kick counts" and since then I've realized that he does move a lot, sometimes I just don't notice it because I am so busy with Tristyn.
I have started feeling light headed and faint on a daily basis which is very frustrating. At times I have to lay down to regain my strength and balance. I called and spoke with a nurse about the way I've been feeling and they told me to take it easy and make sure I'm eating enough (haha, that was funny!). The braxton hicks contractions still happen on occasion but they aren't more frequent than they've been in the past few weeks. Last night I had a sharp stabbing pain in my left side for about an hour. It really started to worry me but it finally let up and I was able to fall asleep. I'm assuming it was just an extra long growing pain seeing as how I've been having those quite frequently too!
I'm still majorly craving brownies. I buy a box to make every time I go to the grocery store and they are usually gone within a week. I have also been craving very fresh foods like fruit and salads. The thought of greasy food curbs my appetite.
There hasn't been anymore progress on his room in the past few weeks. I think I'm just a little discouraged because the crib will not be delivered until next month. I have all of his laundry color sorted but it still needs to be washed. I was actually hoping to accomplish some of that this evening, but my energy is beginning to diminish.
The name debate is still ongoing. At this point it looks as though he will not have a name until he is born, which I am totally fine with. We have come up with several things that we both agree on and then tell our family or friends and they have smart comments to make about how they dislike it. This has become extremely annoying and frustrating to me so I've decided just not to discuss it with many people! I would rather have a list of names that Josh and I both like and decide once we meet him, without influence from others. After all he is our child and it is our decision so why should we let everyone else's opinion sway our decision?
I will update next week regarding the ultrasound. Keep us in your prayers!

31 weeks
You are 31 weeks?! Wow! You are getting so close! You look lovely. Don't sweat the name game. You get a great gift in being able to name your children. They are your's! I hope you get your rest. I would love to help you nest! So, PLEASE call me and we'll do some projects together one evening! Seriously.
You look fantastic! I sincerely hope I look that cute when I am pregnant!
Absolutely do not let anyone take away from your joy by saying stuff about your baby name choices. And I love waiting to name babies when you meet them. Enjoy your last few weeks!
Taylor you look sooooo cute!!! I cannot believe how close you are!!! OMG! It seems like it has gone by soo fast. Well, maybe not to you! I know that I am a loser for not updating my blog. I will have to post some pics soon. I cannot wait to meet your little guy! Good luck . . .you are in the final stretch!
You look great!!! I think waiting until you meet him and deciding on a name at that time is a good idea. Don't listen to what other people think. You are sooo close! Kepp us updated on how the ultrasound goes. I am praying for you:)
hope all went well with the US, momma....
sorry the name business has been discouraging!! shame on people for making you feel bad about ANY of your thoughts.... I bet whatever name you pick out will be as handsome as your little man!
hang in there in the meantime.. you're getting close!!!
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