IT'S A....

It looks like we have ourselves a little man in the family! The ultrasound was amazing even though we only got a few 3D pictures because he was being so shy. When we first saw him he was laying on his stomach and wouldn't turn over. The u/s tech had to wiggle my tummy to make him roll over, only then he had his foot in between his legs so we could not see what was there. The lady asked me what I thought we were having and I said "I know it is a girl", she told me that I would be surprised and proceeded to tell me that I was wrong, that it was a boy. My Mom, Josh's Mom, and Josh were all stunned. My Mom began squealing and I believe Josh just sat there amazed. He didn't believe her at first until she kept going back to his bottom and his "turtle" was still there. We got quite a good look at it on the DVD. We spent the next 30 minutes trying to get him to move and watching him stretch and play with his hands. He was amazed by his hands and fingers, he kept them close to his face at all times. The experience of having our Mothers there was very special to the both of us.
As for me, I am still in shock that we've got a little man on our hands. I guess I had hoped for a little boy so badly that I thought I would never get one. I wanted to cry watching him wiggle around on the screen, knowing that he was comfortable and having a good time. It was just that, but remembering all the emotional stress we had gone through with the spotting and bleeding and realizing that he could have not been just hit me. I am so thankful and lucky to have this precious little boy in my life.
My doctor's appointment went well. I'm still loosing weight, atleast I haven't gained any. BB's heartbeat was 154bpm this time, she said everything sounded great. They tried to do a quick ultrasound to check on the placenta but tech was busy. Our next appointment is for August 1st and 9am for an ultrasound.
This family is on cloud nine! We've been watching the DVD non-stop =) As for names, we're still undecided but I will let you all know when we set something in stone.
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