18 Weeks

Two weeks shy of being half way through this pregnancy, amazing eh? I cannot believe I am now 18 weeks. All of the sudden I just feel so far along! Things are going nicely these days. We are pretty sure we have picked out a name for our little boy and we have already started on his nursery. Tuesday Josh picked up the paint and started on a few walls in his room. The color is called "spring hill" and matches perfectly with the nursery rhyme fabric I have purchased. My Mom and I are planning on making the crib set, valances, and decor for the room. I went to buy a pattern called "Central Park Toile" and ended up finding the fabric I was in love with until it was discontinued. It was in the reminant pile so I got it for nearly $4 a yard instead of $20 a yard! It was fate! Today I went looking for a sage chenille and ended up finding exactly what I needed. Now we just have to start sewing.

I have all kinds of projects waiting to be completed for his room. I've gotten some unfinished letters to paint black (because his furniture is black) that spell out his name. I am planning on hanging them above his crib. We've picked out a crib but it is on back order so we're waiting for it to become available so we can order it. Other than that we already have all of the furniture for his room. Today I found a cream memo board in the garage and decided to spruce it up for his room. I bought sage colored ribbon and I'm planning on replacing the cream ribbon with the sage. We will hang it in his room to put pictures of him and his sissy on it. We also have two unfinished shelves to paint that are going to hang above his dresser. I am really looking forward to all of these crafty projects!
Seeing as how I am probably not going to have a shower (nobody has said anything about hosting one and several people have said it's etiquette not to have one with your second child) I have decided to go ahead and start purchasing clothing for him. I know it is early but I want to get a head start instead of making one huge purchase towards the end. So far I've gotten 8 sleepers, 5 onesies and 2 pair of socks. My friend Tasha has offered to let me borrow her sons clothing so I am really excited about that too.
As you can tell we are more than excited for this little bundle of boy to get here! As Tristyn is asleep on my chest he is steadily kicking away at her. I cannot wait to how she reacts to her own little brother. Part of me is so anxious to see how they will bond and love each other since I have never been able to experience that sibling connection. The wait is narrowing everyday...
I forgot to add that all I want to eat lately are scrambled egg, cheese and mayo sandwiches and ginger ale. You won't catch me without a ginger ale, they are delicious!
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