17 Weeks
Time sure is flying this days. Currently I am 17w4d, I cannot believe we're nearing the half way mark of this pregnancy. Things have been going very smooth. I do not have too many discomforts besides the occassional headache or aching back. I am still averaging morning sickness about once a week but I think it is from my lack of appetitate. I am still loosing weight and eating healthy which I am loving. I really hope to stay in a normal weight gain range this time, I'm terrified of becoming as big as I was with Tristyn.
I am really begining to feel him move on a daily basis and I love it. Sometimes I get lucky and receive several swift kicks in the morning but I usually have to wake him up to feel him move. He's a lazy little one! My belly seems to be growing and I can tell that he is just a hair below my belly button now.

I am really begining to feel him move on a daily basis and I love it. Sometimes I get lucky and receive several swift kicks in the morning but I usually have to wake him up to feel him move. He's a lazy little one! My belly seems to be growing and I can tell that he is just a hair below my belly button now.

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