26, 27, 28 Weeks!
Wow, I haven't updated in a long time. Probably because I have been too tired to even take pictures. I am still not sleeping well and it has been catching up with me during the days. I normally try to lay down with Tristyn during her nap but most times that just makes me feel worse. Other than that things have been going very well. I am starting to feel considerable pregnant finally. The belly is giant and I'm starting to feel a bit like a whale! He has started moving more often the past 2 days which is a little of a relief. I was begining to get worried because he was so quiet during the day. I am still going to mention it to my Midwife at our next appointment, which is next week.

Wednesday I will be 28 weeks...only 2 more weeks until the 10 week countdown. Hopefully once I reach 30 weeks the time will just fly by. I was overly excited to hit the 27 week mark because the survival rate increases to 90%, it is also the begining of the 3rd trimester.
I have decided that I am uncertain about the name Jackson for the time being. I started thinking about it a lot and it really is so popular right now. Even though it has sentimental value I do not know if we are going to use it. I really want something different and unique for our son. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know ;)
Lately all I think about is brownies...in fact I might make some tonight. I have not had any strong cravings during this entire pregnancy which I find a little odd. Nor have I had any aversions. Speaking of food, I'm a little hungry so I'm off to make dinner. I'll take 28 week pictures on Wednesday and post them.

Wednesday I will be 28 weeks...only 2 more weeks until the 10 week countdown. Hopefully once I reach 30 weeks the time will just fly by. I was overly excited to hit the 27 week mark because the survival rate increases to 90%, it is also the begining of the 3rd trimester.
I have decided that I am uncertain about the name Jackson for the time being. I started thinking about it a lot and it really is so popular right now. Even though it has sentimental value I do not know if we are going to use it. I really want something different and unique for our son. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know ;)
Lately all I think about is brownies...in fact I might make some tonight. I have not had any strong cravings during this entire pregnancy which I find a little odd. Nor have I had any aversions. Speaking of food, I'm a little hungry so I'm off to make dinner. I'll take 28 week pictures on Wednesday and post them.
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