33 Weeks!

33 weeks today! Amazing huh? I am still in shock that we've only got approx 7 short weeks left. If it sounds like a long time to you just think of it like this...only 7 more weekends to sleep in! Hahaha. Speaking of sleep, I have been pretty exhausted lately. I've started going to bed pretty early but I'm still waking several times a night. Other than that I have felt better than ever.
Last Tuesday we had a 32 week ultrasound which showed little baby B to be in the frank breech position (folded in half!) and they also found that the placenta is anterior (between my belly button and boobs). Those two factors combined are why I do not feel strong fetal movement. They said the chances for him to somersault into a head down position are great, but I am extremely worried that he's not going to make that flip anytime soon. He weighed 4lbs 6oz which is on the hefty side of things. I had an ultrasound done with Tristyn at the same exact time and she weighed only 3lbs 4oz! It looks like he is going to be a big boy.

On Monday the crib was delivered while my Mom was here. We spent two frustrating hours putting it together, but in the end it was all worth it! It looks beautiful. Now she just needs to finish the crib bedding, which is almost complete. I am getting so excited that everything is coming together =) Next weekend is the couples shower my girlfriends are hosting and I am totally excited about that. Everything is coming upon us so quickly!

Wow time is sure flying! The crib is beautiful! You look amazing! I will keep you and baby in my thoughts and pray that he flips for you:)
I love the crib and you look great. I wonder if it's just that boys are bigger maybe? I haven't blogged about it yet, maybe I'll do that in a few minutes, but we had a sonogram done Tuesday at 28 weeks and found out we're having a boy and then he weighed 3 pounds 4 oz. She said he had a big tummy and was a chunk! LOL. He was also measuring 2 weeks 4 days ahead..yikes! So maybe it's just a boy thing..who knows!
I'll echo the others.. you look great and the crib is gorgeous!
have fun at the shower!
I love the crib. I can't believe he'll be here soon. You look wonderful!!
Hey, just stopping in to see how things are going!
Hi Taylor! You look beautiful!!! I cannot believe how close you are!!!!!!!! I am sooo happy for you. I love your crib too!
Wait!! I just realized that you are even closer as this post is several weeks old! YAY!!!! I can't wait to see him!
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