Thursday, September 28, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
26, 27, 28 Weeks!
Wow, I haven't updated in a long time. Probably because I have been too tired to even take pictures. I am still not sleeping well and it has been catching up with me during the days. I normally try to lay down with Tristyn during her nap but most times that just makes me feel worse. Other than that things have been going very well. I am starting to feel considerable pregnant finally. The belly is giant and I'm starting to feel a bit like a whale! He has started moving more often the past 2 days which is a little of a relief. I was begining to get worried because he was so quiet during the day. I am still going to mention it to my Midwife at our next appointment, which is next week.

Wednesday I will be 28 weeks...only 2 more weeks until the 10 week countdown. Hopefully once I reach 30 weeks the time will just fly by. I was overly excited to hit the 27 week mark because the survival rate increases to 90%, it is also the begining of the 3rd trimester.
I have decided that I am uncertain about the name Jackson for the time being. I started thinking about it a lot and it really is so popular right now. Even though it has sentimental value I do not know if we are going to use it. I really want something different and unique for our son. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know ;)
Lately all I think about is fact I might make some tonight. I have not had any strong cravings during this entire pregnancy which I find a little odd. Nor have I had any aversions. Speaking of food, I'm a little hungry so I'm off to make dinner. I'll take 28 week pictures on Wednesday and post them.

Wednesday I will be 28 weeks...only 2 more weeks until the 10 week countdown. Hopefully once I reach 30 weeks the time will just fly by. I was overly excited to hit the 27 week mark because the survival rate increases to 90%, it is also the begining of the 3rd trimester.
I have decided that I am uncertain about the name Jackson for the time being. I started thinking about it a lot and it really is so popular right now. Even though it has sentimental value I do not know if we are going to use it. I really want something different and unique for our son. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know ;)
Lately all I think about is fact I might make some tonight. I have not had any strong cravings during this entire pregnancy which I find a little odd. Nor have I had any aversions. Speaking of food, I'm a little hungry so I'm off to make dinner. I'll take 28 week pictures on Wednesday and post them.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Friday, September 01, 2006
25 Weeks
I'm tired. Very.very.very.tired.
I hope this passes soon because I'm worn out. I can't sleep at night and then I am dead during the days. Of course I am still expanding and I'm now starting to feel uncomfortable most of the time. I feel that he is much lower than Tristyn when I was pregnant with her. He has his days where he moves up a storm and then others where I only feel him a few times a day. His movements are becoming more "wavy" than the sudden swift kicks and jabs. The belly rubs I get from Josh and Tristyn make up for any discomfort he causes during his quests for comfort!
I have been overly emotional lately, which I know comes with the territory...but it has been difficult. I find that I easily get upset and depressed and cry constantly if something is bothering me. I hate not being able to control my feelings, especially in front of Tristyn. At the same time, I find myself easily excited and happily dreaming of his arrival very often. I had my first dream of him the other night which was great. I awoke with a smile on my face and immediately told Josh about it. It excites me to know that we only have 102 days until his due date and I am a week away from the 27 week mark where his chances for survival if born will increase to 90%. It is all going by so quickly, yet so slow.
Progress on his room have been slowed to a mere hault. We have no plans for the hoilday weekend so maybe we will work on it. If we do I'll be sure to post pictures next week.
I leave you with my 24 week belly shots. I didn't do any this week because I was feeling quite "ugly", LOL.
I hope this passes soon because I'm worn out. I can't sleep at night and then I am dead during the days. Of course I am still expanding and I'm now starting to feel uncomfortable most of the time. I feel that he is much lower than Tristyn when I was pregnant with her. He has his days where he moves up a storm and then others where I only feel him a few times a day. His movements are becoming more "wavy" than the sudden swift kicks and jabs. The belly rubs I get from Josh and Tristyn make up for any discomfort he causes during his quests for comfort!
I have been overly emotional lately, which I know comes with the territory...but it has been difficult. I find that I easily get upset and depressed and cry constantly if something is bothering me. I hate not being able to control my feelings, especially in front of Tristyn. At the same time, I find myself easily excited and happily dreaming of his arrival very often. I had my first dream of him the other night which was great. I awoke with a smile on my face and immediately told Josh about it. It excites me to know that we only have 102 days until his due date and I am a week away from the 27 week mark where his chances for survival if born will increase to 90%. It is all going by so quickly, yet so slow.
Progress on his room have been slowed to a mere hault. We have no plans for the hoilday weekend so maybe we will work on it. If we do I'll be sure to post pictures next week.
I leave you with my 24 week belly shots. I didn't do any this week because I was feeling quite "ugly", LOL.