Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Gender Prediction Test

I did the infamous ring on a necklace test where you put your wedding ring on a necklace and hold it above your left palm, move it up and down 5 times, stop, and then see which way the ring moves. If it moves in circles that means you are having a girl and if it moves side to side that means you are having a boy.

I did the test and for my first child it said girl, Tristyn! For my second child it said boy. Then it stopped and said no more children after my second! That is insane. We definitely want more than 2 children. I guess we will see what happens...we will find out the sex of the baby during the last week of July or the week after. Although I am hoping to have a 3D ultrasound done the weekend after my birthday at 16 weeks =)

What's your guess?!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ultrasound #3

Today went wonderfully! Our BB has grown greatly since last week. I just cannot believe how big he/she is this week. It so amazing what happens in just a short seven days. From crown to rump the baby is measuring 6.5mm, which is exactly on target for a due date of December 13th. Little BB's heart rate was a strong 170 beat per minute! We were so happy to get one more chance to see our baby =)

I do not know when I'll be going back to the doctor, I'll keep y'all updated! =)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Dreaming of a sandwich...

I have not had anything to eat today besides a few chips and a half of a container of applesauce. My stomach is churning and I am fighting with constant bouts of nausea. All I've wanted for the past 2 days is an Italian sandwich from Publix deli. Last night Josh left me stranded without keys so there was no way to satisfy my craving. Tonight is a different story, I'm about to pack up the kid and hit the road. Although I am a little weary of driving because at times I feel dizzy from not eating.

I am already starting my early pregnancy weight loss program it seems. I have started loosing weight this week which is a great thing for me. After our ultrasound tomorrow I hope to get the okay to begin exercising again because I feel like such a lazy slob not doing so. Like I said before I am bound and determined to atleast be very healthy and try not to gain a bunch of weight this go round.

Even though I've lost weight all of my jeans are feeling very snug around the waist and my flabby belly has even started looking different. I have heard that with your second child things start progressing much quicker, but I never imagined it would be this quick. I'll be wearing full fledged maternity clothing in a few weeks if that is the case!

Our ultrasound is at 10:30am. I'll be back with updates shortly after. Tris and I are headed to Publix =)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

5 Weeks 6 Days

That's how far along I am. Just one day shy of 6 weeks, half of the first trimester. The appointment this morning went extremely well. We even got to see the flicker of our future child's little heartbeat...that was amazing! You could barely see the baby, but you could see the steady flicker of light. The yolk sac was there, and quite large. The gestational sac was much larger than last week, it was huge in comparison! We just could not believe how much it had grown in one week.

We go back again on Tuesday for another ultrasound. That will probably be our last until the 20 week anomaly scan. Hopefully we will be switching to a new insurance with in the next week and a half so then I will have to switch doctors.

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers...looks like they are working!

5 Weeks 6 Days
Due on December 13th, 2006!

Monday, April 17, 2006

U/S Tomorrow!

We get our second ultrasound tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to it. The appointment is at 10:30am so we should be home before lunch time =) Today we got our medical coverage information for Josh's new job...really excited about that too! I'm going on day 3 of no spotting! Great news, huh?

Looking forward to tomorrow...

Friday, April 14, 2006

Up, Up and Away!

I was too impatient this morning and called the nurse line around 11:45am to see if my lab results were in, and sure enough they were. My repeat hCG level came back at 4,724! Good good news, it has more than doubled =)

Here's to a happy happy weekend for our little family!

Happy Easter!

Spoke too Soon

It's back. I woke up this morning and went to the bathroom and the spotting was back. It's now light pinkish red. It was just a little bit and hasn't happened since but still. I knew better than to get my hopes up about it going away. I just want to crawl back in bed and sleep until Tuesday.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

It Has Been a Good Day =)

Overall today has been somewhat wonderful. I awoke to not one bit of spotting what so ever which was very relieving since it had happened two mornings in a row. I showered and got dressed and then headed to get my blood drawn for hCG level testing #2. While I was there I picked up my prescription for 200mg's of Prometrium, to be taken 2x a day. I got to the pharmacy and told them my name and they told me that my total would be $52 and some change. I asked how many pills I was getting and the pharmacist told me 20. 20 pills for $52, 2 pills per day, that only pans out to be a 10 day supply! I need to be on these pills for the next 7 weeks, how will we ever afford this? Come to find out Kaiser does not cover this type of medication so we're having to pay out of pocket for it. It's fine really, because I would do anything if it meant I was helping our unborn child but that is ridiculous at how much it costs.

When I was pregnant with Tristyn I took 200mg's of Prometrium once a day. Tomorrow when I speak with the nurse regarding my repeat hCG levels I am going to ask her why I need to be on 400mg's per day. Maybe there won't be a specific reason and I can bump it down to 200mg's. If not, oh well, hopefully we will be switching insurances soon anyway.

Once I headed home I immediately popped my pill and about an hour later started feeling nauseas and tired. The sight of food was making me ill so I could barely stand to be around Tristyn while she was eating lunch. I guess this is why I haven't had many symptoms!

It is nearly 7pm and spotting has still not shown its ugly face! YAY!

Tomorrow we hear back about the repeat blood work. I'm praying it's normal...

Now What?

My doctor called this morning to speak with me regarding my test results. She said the hCG number looked good but she does not like to rely on those numbers alone. She wants to continue follow-ups with the ultrasound to make sure things are progressing.

She also talked with me about my low progesterone level and supplementation. I was supplemented during my pregnancy with Tristyn until 12 weeks because my levels were also low then. There is some controversy on whether or not the supplementation of progesterone actually prevents pregnancy loss but I assume it is worth another try. If I hadn't taken it while pregnant with Tristyn who knows whether or not she would be here today, and that is unimaginable.

I'm on my way to have my blood drawn and to pickup my prescription. Just thought I would update on what's been going on around here. No spotting so far this morning =)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Results Are IN!

My hCG level is 2,159 which is very acceptable! This is good but we will not know more until the repeat blood work.

Progesterone level is 10.01 which is on the low side, so I will continue using the natural progesterone cream that Steph gave to me (a million thanks to her!) for the remainder of the first trimester.

I go back to the lab tomorrow to have repeat blood work drawn and will call to get the results on Friday. For a viable pregnancy the hCG level should double by then. I went ahead and scheduled another ultrasound for Tuesday, April 18th at 10:30am. By then we should be able to see the gestational sac and yolk sac. Still keep us in your prayers =)


Still Waiting

and waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Kinda like that Energizer Bunny commerical where they say "just keeps going, and going, and going" but the total opposite. I haven't been able to get away from this computer all day because it is the only thing that gets my mind off of the phone ringing. I haven't taken a single phone call all day because we do not have call waiting and I'm scared I'll miss their call. I've had the phone number to the OB's office next to the phone for the last hour, debating on whether I should call or not. Should I?

I think Tris and I are going to go blow bubbles to try and distract ourselves, well atleast myself. Hurry, hurry, hurry....

Day 3

Had a light spotting episode this morning, red again. Last night I had more hope and was actually in a very good mood and felt a lot more optimistic about this baby, but now that hope is dwindling again. The roller coaster of emotions that this is putting me through is just unreal. I want to know the outcome and I want to know it now! Although we all know that is not possible and I am just very impatient. Today I will find out the results of my HcG level testing and maybe that will bring some good news.

From my extensive searches on the internet I have come to the conclusion that some women do spot during week 4 of their pregnancy, which is still considered implantation bleeding. Seeing as how I turn 5 weeks today I do not konw if that would still be applied to me or not. Technically the bleeding started at 4 weeks 5 days.

Oh well I am done writting, my mind has wondered. I'll be back later today with the results of my blood work. PLEASE pray for us!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Uncertain *updated*

The answer we expected from today's appointment is still uncertainty. We just do not know yet what might be going on. There was nothing much to see on the ultrasound, as the pregnancy is still probably too young. I am considered 5 weeks 6 days but that is based on a 28 day cycle with ovulation occurring around day 12. Seeing as how my body never cooperates with the "standards" I believe this was a 35 day cycle and ovulation occurred around day 22. Therefore if there is that much of a difference the pregnancy is technically much younger than 5 weeks 6 days and it should be expected to not see much on the ultrasound. Here is the little "could be something" or "could not be something" we saw on the ultrasound.

Zoomed Look

(click to enlarge)

it's the tiny tiny tiny black dot in the middle!

She did say that my uterine lining looks excellent and would make a perfect home for our little BB. She did say that the spotting and light cramping could all be normal but then again could not. Right now we are technically deemed a "threatened miscarriage" because of the spotting/bleeding.

We should know more when we hear the results of my blood work tomorrow. She ordered my HcG levels to be tested and that will tell us a lot. If it is over a certain number then the pregnancy is probably farther along (like 5 weeks 6 days like I am considered) and below a certain number than we are probably a little farther behind, like I expected. She also ordered my progesterone levels to be tested so I'm anxious to see the results of them both. I will go back in on Thursday or Friday to have more blood drawn and more tests ran. By then my HcG levels should have doubled (they double every 48 hours) and that would mean that the pregnancy is progressing normally. If they do not double that could indicate something is wrong. I will also go back for a repeat ultrasound next Tuesday.

Still not having any pregnancy symptoms...but I am feeling a little more optimistic. Even though we just saw a little black dot on that u/s screen it gives me hope! Please, please, please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. We are really praying hard that this little baby will make it through.

Until tomorrow...

*I did some research via Doctor Google and found that at 4 weeks all that should be seen in an ultrasound is a 3mm gestational sac, which ours was 3.1mm! So that gives me much more hope! I know exactly what to look for in next weeks scan. I also calculated my cycle and if in fact I ovulated on day 22 I would be 4 weeks 5 days pregnant and due December 14th*

Monday, April 10, 2006


I started spotting this afternoon. I am extremely scared and anxious to get to the doctor. Please keep us in your prayers. I know that if something is going to happen it is inevitable, but I cannot help thinking horrible thoughts. To top it off I am here alone.

Tomorrow please get here soon...


I finally have a doctors appointment for tomorrow at 10am. I am really looking forward to it because I have waited so long to go. I spoke with the nurse and told her what all I would like to have done and she scheduled everything for me right over the phone.

I have not had any pregnancy symptoms what-so-ever since the last time I mentioned it. I do not even feel pregnant, it's pretty odd. That is another reason I am really looking forward to tomorrow, just to make sure things are alright =)

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Announcement

Here's the little something I created to send to our long distance family and friends. I e-mailed it to everyone yesterday evening. Take notice that the shirt says "I'm the Big Sister" and even has Easter bunnies on it! How perfect is that?! Thanks Steph for letting us borrow it!

My symptoms have pretty much magically disappeared. I still have the occasionally few minutes of nausea but that has been about it. Weird eh? I am feeling great and not even really tired, except at night.

I'm determined to keep healthy during this pregnancy. I gained so much weight while carrying Tristyn and I do not want to do that again. So far I've been eating healthy and exercising. Last night I even drove over to Alea's to go walking with her. Hopefully I can keep a daily exercise routine going through the entire pregnancy =)

We will be gone for the weekend but next week I'm hoping to post our possible list of names! Send me any suggestions if you can.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

No Appointment

Insurance is wacked out. I'm in the process of trying to get it fixed...along with my hubs. I was really hoping to get an appointment for tomorrow. I am a little upset and worried that I cannot.

Hopefully we'll figure something out asap.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Can We Say, UCK?

I'm feeling it...feeling it pretty good tonight. I feel nauseated to the point where I want to crawl in bed. I honestly cannot believe I am having these symptoms so soon. I just found out two days ago! From the sore boobs, sick feeling, and implantation spotting, this pregnancy is so different. I know I keep saying that but it is just so surreal to me. I still do not think it has set in that I am truly pregnant. Just a few minutes ago I was thinking how I wanted to take one of those tests that says "pregnant" or "not pregnant". I am sure that if I continue feeling like this the reality of it all will set in fairly soon.

Tonight I joined a group on My sister-in-law did when she was pregnant and always told me how much she liked it. Already it has been fun meeting other women with the same due dates and such. I am kind of excited about it.

I talked to my friend Steph this evening and she brought over a "Big Sister" t-shirt so I can take pictures of Tristyn wearing it. I plan on creating a cute little something to e-mail to my long distance relatives with the picture. I hope they catch on!

First thing in the morning I am calling to hopefully schedule an appointment for Friday with the Kaiser doctors. I guess we can eventually switch over to the BCBS OB but for now I really want to get my initial blood work done. I am extremely nervous that my progesterone levels are going to be low like they were with Tristyn...although I am having a lot more symptoms now than I did with Tristyn so hopefully that is a sign that the hormones (or horror-mones as Tasha would say!) are all doing their jobs! Still, I am nervous and want to get everything looked at.

Looking forward to tomorrow!

Still Pregnant!

Shocking, eh? LOL. I took my final test this morning and the line was much darker today. I am very thankful for that, I thought it was never going to happen.

I still haven't made a doctor's appointment because I am waiting to hear when our new insurance goes into effect. Hopefully I will know something by this evening.

This morning I kept waking up and then lightly dozing back off. Everytime I would open my eyes I felt a small wave of nausea hit me. I figured I would not start getting sick, if I got sick at all, until later on. When I was pregnant with Tristyn I only actually got physically sick twice and only felt nauseas every now and then. I can tell this pregnancy is starting off very different already! I'm hoping and praying that I will not be bowing to the porcelain throne anytime soon!

We have already started thinking of names for this baby. With Tristyn we were set on first and middle names for a boy and girl by 6 weeks along. I have a boy and girl name in mind that I really like, and surprisingly Josh came up with both of them. Now I'm on the hunt for middle names, surely something will come to me soon.

Big Sis' and I are going to head outside to blow bubbles on such a beautiful day!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

still a faint +

Tested first thing this morning with an Equate brand test and a faint positive is still showing up. For those of you counting that is 3 faint positives! Tomorrow is supposed to be the first day of my period so I will test again then. Most of these tests say to re-test on that day.
What do you think?

My heart skipped a couple of beats when I took the test this morning and the positive line didn't immediately show up. With the store brand tests I guess it just takes a while longer. I am beyond ecstatic about this baby, this addition to our family, and sibling for my precious daughter. I just cannot imagine loving someone as much as I already love her. Although I do know it is possible, I cannot wait to experience this love times two!

Last night I went to pick up my Mom so we could run to the mall and Wal-Mart. When she got in the car I asked her if she had her glasses because I needed her to look at something. Then I handed her the 2 tests I took yesterday and asked her what she thought. She seemed a little iffy about why the lines were so faint but agreed with me that I probably tested too early in the first place. She is very excited but not getting her hopes up until I go to the doctor.

I haven't been able to tell Hubs about the second and third positive tests because he works nights and didn't get home until late and is still in bed. I know he's going to be thrilled...he wants a boy so badly this time. Onto another subject, anyone know where I can get a super cute big sister t-shirt for Cupcake?

I'll take my final test tomorrow morning, the day of my period. Hopefully I will be able to make a doctor's appointment sometime this week. We are just transitioning to a new insurance provider so I am a little confused about who to go to.

Chest is still sore and I did have a hint of nausea this morning...but I do not know if that is just nervousness or what. I am already scatterbrained but that could just be normal. I am praying that I have a easy and healthy pregnancy like I did with Cupcake.


Monday, April 03, 2006

Maybe, Baby?

(it is darker in person that in picture)

On Saturday (4/1/06) I had some very light spotting and then sore boobies today so I decided to go to the store and take a test before Hubs left for work. Lo and behold a very faint light pink line showed up and over the next few minutes it gradually darkened a tad. It is still very light, but there is a line so it must be detecting a very small amount of HcG. I have 1 more test and I am going to wait until the morning to take it. I guess we will see then if it comes out more positive or not.

If we are pregnant, which I really think we are, the baby will be due in December. I am a little confused as to the exact due date because my cycles have been 35 days instead of the typical 28 days. For a 28 day cycle the due date is December 6th, 2006...35 day cycle is December 14th, 2006. If I get another positive result in the morning I am planning on scheduling a doctor's appointment to have a blood test done.

So I'm left to sit and wonder...