Wednesday, August 16, 2006

23 Weeks

Not much has gone on in the exciting world of pregnancy lately. No new projects to report and any new cravings. I have just been taking it easy because I have been beyond the point of exhaustion. Today I had "one of those days" where I was a total crab and couldn't help it. Last night I did not sleep much because my mind kept wondering. I experienced quite a bit of insomnia while pregnant with Tristyn, it looks like it just might happen again. I have started measuring my belly and in 3 weeks it grew 2 inches! Amazing!

My next doctors appointment is on August 29th and then I will have the 1 hour glucose test for gestational diabetes. Last weekend I had a little scare, I got shocked while plugging in a lamp. It made me extremely nervous because I had never heard anything about being shocked while pregnant. I ended up calling the on call nurse at my insurance company and luckily I had my fetal doppler with me and I quickly checked for his heartbeat. It was so reassuring to have the doppler, I am so glad we rented it.

The couples shower that a few of my friends are hosting for Josh and I has been postponed until after Brandy delivers her baby. It just seemed to work better that way because we couldn't decide on a date that worked well with our family. I was looking forward to it (it was originally planned for next weekend) but now I just have that much longer to anticipate it :)

Here are my 23 week pictures...

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

20-21 Week Update

We had our 20 week ultrasound on August 1st and everything went well. Jackson was stubborn as normal and had his foot in between his legs once again. He gave the tech a hard time and after about 5 minutes of vigorously wiggling my belly he moved his foot so we could be assured that he was still a little boy. I was 20w6d but he measured 21w1d, just like the last ultrasound. He weighed 14 ounces and they no longer measure CRL so I do not know how long he is. They said everything looks healthy so far! Our next appointment is August 29th for the one hour glucose test. Here are the pictures we got from his ultrasound.

Our vacation was wonderful but I managed to pack on a few pounds. I was not too happy about that when I returned home to my regular routine of weighing myself each morning, but I guess it was bound to happen at some point. Lately I have been feeling drained of every ounce of energy, although today I've felt pretty normal. Sleeping has been difficult so I am sure that has something to do with it. He moves constantly during the day but is fairly quiet while I am trying to sleep. His favorite time to move is right after I sit down for a meal. The belly seems to be growing but I haven't noticed a significant change in a while. Here are my 20 week pictures from the beach.

We have received several gifts for Jackson recently. Josh's Mother showered us with clothing for the little man, it is all so adorable. Yesterday while we were out I purchased hangers so I am going to get started washing and organizing what we have gotten so far. This weekend I am picking up the Duo Glider Stroller and car seat that I purchased today. I am very excited about it, we got an awesome deal!