Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Goodbye 1st Trimester!

As of today we are officially in our last week of the first trimester which is extremely exciting. I had an appointment yesterday at the OB and it was rather quiet. I am still loosing weight so they told me to eat more often which I think is a bad idea. We got to listen to BB's heartbeat with the doppler and it has slowed down to 166bpm. I asked about my dizzy spells while eating and they did not really give me any answers. I also asked about checking up on the Placenta Previa and the Midwife said that we will see how things are going at the 16 week appointment and possibly then they will do another ultrasound. Everything else sounded good and they sent us on our way. Our next appointment is on Tuesday, June 27th...the same day we hope to go and have the 3D/4D ultrasound done. I might actually reschedule the appointment for another day so that we can get up early to have the ultrasound done...I am just too excited about it.

I am still feeling sick these days. I even got sick on the side of the road on the way to my appointment yesterday. Thankfully Josh was driving so he just pulled over. My appetite is very small and I try to eat very bland foods so I don't trigger a bout of gagging. Speaking of food, my tummy is growling so I better get something to munch on.

Here is an 11 week picture. There is no "belly" yet, just a bunch of flubber! Haha. Hopefully soon the bump will appear =)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Almost 11 Weeks

It's been forever since I've made a post but I just have not felt like doing so. After the spotting in the last post I awoke Friday night to find that I was spotting bright red again. Josh was not home so I was alone which made it so much worse. After a long night without much rest the spotting ceased by morning. All was well for the weekend and I had told myself that I was not even going to call the doctor. Monday rolled by and then Tuesday came along. Josh was off and we were having a wonderful day, until the bleeding began. I could have been filming a horror movie with the amount of blood that was everywhere. I was terrified to say the least, I knew it was the end. I got in the shower and tried to clean up before I called the doctor. They told me to come in immediately so my Mom came over to watch Tristyn and we rushed to the office. They got us in for an ultrasound and there we saw our little BB's heart just flickering away. Everything was fine with the baby. They did find that my placenta is low lying so they diagnosed me with Placenta Previa. Until 20 weeks I am supposed to be on pelvic rest and not do anything too strenuous. They told me that the next ultrasound would not be until 20 weeks, which I think is absolutely insane. I plan on requesting one earlier to make sure things are still going fine. Here is our little BB at 9w6d, measure 10w1d with a heartbeat of 187!

Wednesday we will be 11 weeks! Time seems to be flying these days. How exciting...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Not again...of course again!

Spotting. It has returned. Just when I let my guard down and start thinking happy thoughts this happens.

*updated* There hasn't been anymore since yesterday evening. Looks like it was just that once, for now atleast. I'm feeling great so I don't think I am going to call the doctor.

Week 9

This is our last week in the single digits! Yesterday we rolled over to 9 weeks and also had our first OB appointment. I went alone so Josh could stay home to watch Tristyn and my niece. When I got there I filled out some paperwork then headed back with the nurse to a urine sample, weigh-in (just 4 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight with Tristyn!), and watched a video. After the video we talked about family medical history and then went into the exam room. I got all dolled up in the paper gown and waited on Midwife Dixie to come in. We discussed a few things like keeping my due date at December 13th instead of December 6th, weight gain, and testing. Even though I was already in my lovely paper gown she decided not to do the pap until our next visit because she didn't want to cause me to begin spotting and therefore cause me to worry. At our next appointment on May 30th we will have that done along with listening to the heartbeat with the doppler for the first time. Once that was all said and done I got my blood drawn and headed home. Overall it was a very uneventful appointment.

I did find out that during my pregnancy with Tristyn I gained 58 pounds! I knew it was a lot but never knew exact numbers. Dixie assured me that most first time mothers gain a hefty amount of weight and that the second time around they know a little better. You better believe I know better this time! It took me a year to get that weight off and I certainly do not want to go through that again in 2007.

At 9 weeks the baby is actually beginning to resemble an actual human baby instead of an alien. During the next 3 weeks it will grow considerably and will practically finish developing. After 12 weeks most everything is formed and the baby just continues to grow and work on brain and lung development. Here is what our little BB probably looks like right now:

I have definitely been feeling pregnant the past few days. Yesterday when I returned from my appointment I was changing my niece's diaper and got very ill and lost my entire lunch. That was the beginning of a day filled with feeling like I was going to get sick. I lounged around and tried shaking the feeling but just couldn't do so. At 8:30pm I headed up to bathe Tristyn and then laid down and fell asleep. When I awoke I still felt sick and even had a headache. So far so good today, although I am still extremely tired.

I started a baby pool so please go on over and cast your vote. On the left side of the page type in "Babybottoms" where it says 'Invited Guests'.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Time Keeps on Ticking Away

8 weeks 4 days down. At times I think to myself "wow, I'm almost 9 weeks, that's pretty far!" and then other times I cannot believe how time is just crawling by. I will be 9 weeks on Wednesday an amazingly I have only truly gotten sick once, and it happened to be in the drive way (sorry neighbors!). There have been plenty of episodes of nausea and totally crabbiness which I'm sure will continue. The past week has been rather pleasant as I have not been feeling as sickly and have been eating well. Although the general sick feeling is fading out I am beginning to get more tired as each day passes. Today I have felt like I big pile of mush and have not gotten off of the couch, healthy I know. Regardless of the loafing I have managed to loose 7 pounds since my last doctors appointment.

I still haven't had dinner so I'm off to make some rice, then Tristyn and I will probably head to bed. Just wanted to do a quick update.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Another Day, Another Problem

Thankfully the last two weeks have been a breeze when it comes to disturbances in my life....That is until today when we've been uprooted by yet another insurance fiasco. I called this morning to have my Prometrium prescription refilled so Josh could go pick it up on his day off. The Customer Service Representative for Kaiser informed me that our insurance had been cancelled as of April 30th. As you may recall last month our Kaiser insurance was cancelled and we had major problems getting it reinstated. I spoke with another Rep who told me that they got rid of the plan we were on and we were supposed to fill out a plan change sheet before April or else or coverage would be terminated on May 1st, which it was. We were never informed of this change, even during all of the conversations we had with "Customer Service" last month. I am livid with these people and this so called service we have received over the past several months. Kaiser seems to be the type that would let their patients die on the street before they would offer up any sort of assistance.

I have 2 more pills to take this evening and then I am out. Any normal human being would understand that a pregnant woman who needs a hormone supplement is going to freak out when she learns that she will no longer be able to take the much needed medication because of this screw up. The only assvice the "Customer Service Rep" could offer is for me to go to the local Health Department and file for Medicaid. Yes, Medicaid. Allegedly we have been covered under BCBS since March 26th through Josh's place of employment, although we do not have insurance cards and are not yet in BCBS's database. After an hour or so of screaming and crying and acting like a totally hysterical hormonal pregnant lady that I am, I decided to call the doctor's office that I would be returning to once I had my insurance card. Thankfully they truly do have a Customer Service Department and I got the assistance that I so desperately needed. They called me in a 2 week prescription for Prometrium and scheduled an OB work-up appointment for Wednesday May 10th. I am so relieved to finally have help from someone who is willing to give it, not only relieved so entirely grateful...this woman has made my horrible day happy once again.

Monday, May 01, 2006

20% of the way there!

That's right, I've already completed 20% of this pregnancy. That sounds like a lot doesn't it? Today is day number 54 and we have 226 days or 32 weeks left. On Wednesday I will officially turn 8 weeks pregnant. Upcoming milestones are our first prenatal appointment (which should happen this week but we're waiting on our new insurance cards) and hearing the heartbeat for the first time at 12 weeks (5/31). I am hoping to rent a doppler again so we can have the pleasure of hearing BB's galloping heart whenever we feel like it. It's just reassuring to be able to do that when you may feel like something is wrong.

I think we have pretty much agreed upon having a 4d ultrasound done around 16 weeks to find out the gender of the baby. It's something I really wanted to do during my pregnancy with Tristyn and never got around to it, now we both regret it. I will turn 16 weeks the week after my birthday, so that will be a wonderful gift. Only 8 weeks away!

I have been feeling pretty sick here lately. I tend to have bouts of nausea in the evenings around dinner time. My food aversions are crazy, there is nothing I want to eat besides cream of mushroom soup and white rice or chinese. Tonight I have to go grocery shopping to stock up on both of those items. I am worried that I am not eating enough but at the same time I'm glad I am not eating the house down. Yesterday I started exercising again, I did a portion of my prenatal yoga workout and also did some cardio. Still hoping to not gain a massive amount of weight this go-round. Besides my clothes not fitting, loosing weight, and not eating, nothing else is going on...just being pregnant and wondering what is going on in there.

4 more weeks left in our first trimester!