Catching Up
Over the past few weeks we have really started to prepare for this little ones arrival. I have been so busy trying to get everything in order that I have not made the time to blog about what has been going on. I have at least made time to sit down and work on my pregnancy journal and his baby book. All of his belongings are washed, folded and put in the place. Our bags are packed and ready to go. The car seat has been installed. Medical release forms and instructions for Tristyn have been typed and printed for whoever gets the privilege of keeping her while we are at the hospital. The house is clean, amazingly. I think we are ready, actually I know we are.
The weekend before last a few girlfriends of mine hosted a couples barbecue in honor of his impending arrival. We had a great time hanging around the bonfire outside and munching on a ton of different snacks. They served hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner and then we played a few fun games. Afterwards Josh and I opened gifts. We received more than we could have ever expected! The little one is not going to need anything for a long time. We are so grateful to have such caring family and friends.
The weekend before last a few girlfriends of mine hosted a couples barbecue in honor of his impending arrival. We had a great time hanging around the bonfire outside and munching on a ton of different snacks. They served hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner and then we played a few fun games. Afterwards Josh and I opened gifts. We received more than we could have ever expected! The little one is not going to need anything for a long time. We are so grateful to have such caring family and friends.
Josh & I before opening gifts

a few of the goodies

Me with the Hosts of the Party

Yesterday was my 36 week checkup. My hemoglobin came back a little low so they retested it and if it comes back low again I will have to be put on an iron supplement. On Sunday evening while we were lounging around watching television the little man decided to make the difficult move into the head down position. Josh and I watched for nearly 2 hours and he wiggled his way down. It was extremely uncomfortable and somewhat painful for me, but I am glad he decided to get ready for his arrival. I was really starting to mentally prepare myself for a planned c-section due to him being breech. Thankfully we will not have to worry about that any longer. Midwife Emma confirmed yesterday that he was in fact in the correct position. She also decided to check my cervix because of the contractions I had all day Monday. I am only dilated 1cm and he is still very high up so we aren't expecting his arrival anytime soon. We go back the day before Thanksgiving for the 37 week appointment. Until then I'll leave you with a few pictures...
36 weeks

34 1/2 weeks

The big sis loving on her bro