and his name is....

Jackson McClain is going to be his name...atleast for the time being that's what it is. In the picture Tristyn is pointing out his name. She couldn't help but keep her hands off of the letters I painted to hang in his room. She's already a hands on sister!
Yesterday marked 19 weeks, only 1 week shy of the half way mark. It is hard to believe we are already at this point in the pregnancy. Each week my belly seems to have atleast one overnight growth spurt. See evidence below:

I feel great and that has been really nice. The only thing I can complain of is getting tired easily. On some days I have spurts of energy that are endless, however on others energy seems nonexistent. I have been sleeping better the past week which makes for a less moodier pregnant lady. This heat wave is killing me, I cannot even stand to be outside for more than a few minutes. I hate it that it is so hot because I would love to get out and get some exercise. My weight has hovered in the same spot for a week now. It looks like I may start gaining back a pound or two over the next few weeks.
Josh finished painting Jackson's room on Tuesday and I have gotten nearly everything I need to decorate. Now we just have to put a fresh coat of black paint on his furniture, order the crib (which is backordered) and make his bedding. Things are really starting to come together =) Here is a picture of some of the stuff I've gotten for his room this week. The memo board Josh and made with sage color ribbon matching his walls. I ordered the Baby Bjorn carrier off of the internet and got a great deal. The cute picture frame has already been broken by Tristyn. She stepped on it and cracked the glass, so much for that idea!
To celebrate the 20 week mark we will be at the beach and as soon as we return we go for our 20 week ultrasound on August 1st at 9am. I will be sure to report back shortly thereafter.