This is our last week in the single digits! Yesterday we rolled over to 9 weeks and also had our first OB appointment. I went alone so Josh could stay home to watch Tristyn and my niece. When I got there I filled out some paperwork then headed back with the nurse to a urine sample, weigh-in (just 4 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight with Tristyn!), and watched a video. After the video we talked about family medical history and then went into the exam room. I got all dolled up in the paper gown and waited on Midwife Dixie to come in. We discussed a few things like keeping my due date at December 13th instead of December 6th, weight gain, and testing. Even though I was already in my lovely paper gown she decided not to do the pap until our next visit because she didn't want to cause me to begin spotting and therefore cause me to worry. At our next appointment on May 30th we will have that done along with listening to the heartbeat with the doppler for the first time. Once that was all said and done I got my blood drawn and headed home. Overall it was a very uneventful appointment.
I did find out that during my pregnancy with Tristyn I gained 58 pounds! I knew it was a lot but never knew exact numbers. Dixie assured me that most first time mothers gain a hefty amount of weight and that the second time around they know a little better. You better believe I know better this time! It took me a year to get that weight off and I certainly do not want to go through that again in 2007.
At 9 weeks the baby is actually beginning to resemble an actual human baby instead of an alien. During the next 3 weeks it will grow considerably and will practically finish developing. After 12 weeks most everything is formed and the baby just continues to grow and work on brain and lung development. Here is what our little BB probably looks like right now:

I have definitely been feeling pregnant the past few days. Yesterday when I returned from my appointment I was changing my niece's diaper and got very ill and lost my entire lunch. That was the beginning of a day filled with feeling like I was going to get sick. I lounged around and tried shaking the feeling but just couldn't do so. At 8:30pm I headed up to bathe Tristyn and then laid down and fell asleep. When I awoke I still felt sick and even had a headache. So far so good today, although I am still extremely tired.
I started a baby pool so please go on over and
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