Tested first thing this morning with an Equate brand test and a faint positive is still showing up. For those of you counting that is 3 faint positives! Tomorrow is supposed to be the first day of my period so I will test again then. Most of these tests say to re-test on that day.

What do you think?
My heart skipped a couple of beats when I took the test this morning and the positive line didn't immediately show up. With the store brand tests I guess it just takes a while longer. I am beyond ecstatic about this baby, this addition to our family, and sibling for my precious daughter. I just cannot imagine loving someone as much as I already love her. Although I do know it is possible, I cannot wait to experience this love times two!
Last night I went to pick up my Mom so we could run to the mall and Wal-Mart. When she got in the car I asked her if she had her glasses because I needed her to look at something. Then I handed her the 2 tests I took yesterday and asked her what she thought. She seemed a little iffy about why the lines were so faint but agreed with me that I probably tested too early in the first place. She is very excited but not getting her hopes up until I go to the doctor.
I haven't been able to tell Hubs about the second and third positive tests because he works nights and didn't get home until late and is still in bed. I know he's going to be thrilled...he wants a boy so badly this time. Onto another subject, anyone know where I can get a super cute big sister t-shirt for Cupcake?
I'll take my final test tomorrow morning, the day of my period. Hopefully I will be able to make a doctor's appointment sometime this week. We are just transitioning to a new insurance provider so I am a little confused about who to go to.
Chest is still sore and I did have a hint of nausea this morning...but I do not know if that is just nervousness or what. I am already scatterbrained but that could just be normal. I am praying that I have a easy and healthy pregnancy like I did with Cupcake.